Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Thank You Note is its Weight in Gold from a Child Fan

I recently participated in a heartfelt campaign to send  Lenny, an 11 year old boy who has leukemia (and who is being raised by his brothers) to send him birthday wishes from the blogging community. Lenny is quite the special young man and is an advid blogger and reader so I mailed him a birthday card and sent him a copy of The Golden Pathway. To my pure delight I recently received a beautiful thank you note from him, which I am sharing below.

A thank you from a child whom enjoyed my book has certainly made my day and writing career, so much more than any royalty payment.


  1. A beautiful letter, worth treasuring.

  2. A wonderful letter, Working with children who have cancer has been one of my most rewarding experiences as a nurse because those kids are so REAL. They don't waste time and they recognize the importance of family, friends, and every healthy moment. Treasure that letter forever. It is more important than money. I wish him health.


  3. Carole:

    I will indeed treasure Lenny's letter.


    So true that money is no way near as important as our health and connections with fellow human beings.

    Wishing you both a Blessed Thanksgiving!


Thank for you taking the time out to visit with me and to learn about my historical fiction children's book, The Golden Pathway.

Please be sure to leave your blog address so I can reciprocate.

I look forward to visiting you too.