The Differently-abled writer, J. Aday Kennedy took the time out and read and book reviewed The Golden Pathway, which I'd like to share with you below.
David's Pa whips James savagely. He chances his Pa's wrath to administer first aid to a slave. David is afraid for Jenkins' safety. The possibility of what Pa might do is too much for him. He makes contact with people involved with the Underground Railroad. To learn how the story ends buy a copy today.
In Donna McDine's debut book witness a poignant depiction of the best and worst of humanity. The portrayal of the brutality dealt a slave and a white boy's sense of right and wrong are expertly exposed. K.C. Snider is a fine artist and each illustration is a masterpiece. The historical fiction picture book's succinct and imaginative story, coupled with the illustration are a buffet for readers of all ages. I highly recommend this book.
Visit J. Aday Kennedy to learn about her illustrious writing career:
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Home School Book Review of The Golden Pathway
Book: The Golden Pathway
Author: Donna M. McDine
Illustrator: K. C. Snider
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing Inc., 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-081-1 (hardcover)
ISBN-10: 1616330813 (hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-088-0 (softcover)
ISBN-10: 1616330880 (softcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-082-8 (eBook)
ISBN-10: 1616330821 (eBook)
Related websites: (author), (illustrator), (publisher)
Language level: 1 (nothing objectionable)
Reading level: Ages 8-12
Rating: 5 stars (EXCELLENT)
Reviewed by Wayne S. Walker
For more information e-mail
McDine, Donna M. The Golden Pathway (published in 2010 by Guardian Angel Publishing Inc., 12430 Tesson Ferry Rd. #186, St. Louis, MO 63128). David is a young boy who lives with his family on a cotton farm somewhere in a slave-holding state sometime before the Civil War. As the book opens, David is in his bedroom, clamping his hands over his ears in an attempt to block out the high-pitched screams from the barn. Then, after his Pa comes into the house and falls asleep, David sneaks out the window, goes to the barn, and washes the wounds on the back of the sixteen-year-old slave Jenkins whom Pa, who unfortunately likes to drink whiskey a lot, has beaten.
Jenkins wonders why David helps him and wants him to escape since he’s the property of David’s Pa, and David replies that it isn’t right what his Pa does. Jenkins points out that if David is caught helping him he’d be in trouble, but David responds, “It’s better than watchin’ you die a slow death.” The next day David wants to go to town with his Pa, but Pa won’t let him. However, the following day, David’s Ma sends him to town with Pa to buy a sack of flour. While there, he gets a secret message from the storekeeper, Mr. Stump, who is a “Quaker.” What is the message? And will it enable David to help Jenkins?
This story by author Donna M. McDine, with full-page, full-color illustrations by K. C. Snider, is an attention-grabbing way to introduce students to the fact that slavery once existed in this country and also illustrate how the “Underground Railroad” helped slaves to escape north so that they might gain their freedom. David is a sympathetic character who suffers his own abuse, verbal and emotional rather than physical, from his Pa who thinks he’s a sissy, but nevertheless exhibits caring concern for the well-being of Jenkins and also great courage in seeking a way to help him escape. I thought that it was especially noteworthy that as Jenkins got ready to leave, he pulled his old Bible from beneath the hay and put it into his sack. It is a great book.
Book: The Golden Pathway
Author: Donna M. McDine
Illustrator: K. C. Snider
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing Inc., 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-081-1 (hardcover)
ISBN-10: 1616330813 (hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-088-0 (softcover)
ISBN-10: 1616330880 (softcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1-61633-082-8 (eBook)
ISBN-10: 1616330821 (eBook)
Related websites: (author), (illustrator), (publisher)
Language level: 1 (nothing objectionable)
Reading level: Ages 8-12
Rating: 5 stars (EXCELLENT)
Reviewed by Wayne S. Walker
For more information e-mail
McDine, Donna M. The Golden Pathway (published in 2010 by Guardian Angel Publishing Inc., 12430 Tesson Ferry Rd. #186, St. Louis, MO 63128). David is a young boy who lives with his family on a cotton farm somewhere in a slave-holding state sometime before the Civil War. As the book opens, David is in his bedroom, clamping his hands over his ears in an attempt to block out the high-pitched screams from the barn. Then, after his Pa comes into the house and falls asleep, David sneaks out the window, goes to the barn, and washes the wounds on the back of the sixteen-year-old slave Jenkins whom Pa, who unfortunately likes to drink whiskey a lot, has beaten.
Jenkins wonders why David helps him and wants him to escape since he’s the property of David’s Pa, and David replies that it isn’t right what his Pa does. Jenkins points out that if David is caught helping him he’d be in trouble, but David responds, “It’s better than watchin’ you die a slow death.” The next day David wants to go to town with his Pa, but Pa won’t let him. However, the following day, David’s Ma sends him to town with Pa to buy a sack of flour. While there, he gets a secret message from the storekeeper, Mr. Stump, who is a “Quaker.” What is the message? And will it enable David to help Jenkins?
This story by author Donna M. McDine, with full-page, full-color illustrations by K. C. Snider, is an attention-grabbing way to introduce students to the fact that slavery once existed in this country and also illustrate how the “Underground Railroad” helped slaves to escape north so that they might gain their freedom. David is a sympathetic character who suffers his own abuse, verbal and emotional rather than physical, from his Pa who thinks he’s a sissy, but nevertheless exhibits caring concern for the well-being of Jenkins and also great courage in seeking a way to help him escape. I thought that it was especially noteworthy that as Jenkins got ready to leave, he pulled his old Bible from beneath the hay and put it into his sack. It is a great book.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Prayer at Harvest and Thanksgiving
"Prayer at Harvest and Thanksgiving"
O God, source and giver of all things,
You manifest your infinite majesty, power and goodness
In the earth about us:
We give you honor and glory.
For the sun and the rain,
For the manifold fruits of our fields:
For the increase of our herds and flocks,
We thank you.
For the enrichment of our souls with divine grace,
We are grateful.
Supreme Lord of the harvest,
Graciously accept us and the fruits of our toil,
In union with Jesus, your Son,
As atonement for our sins,
For the growth of your Church,
For peace and love in our homes,
And for salvation for all.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From Living God’s Justice: Reflections and Prayers, compiled by The Roundtable Association of Diocesan Social Action Directors
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Thank You Note is its Weight in Gold from a Child Fan
I recently participated in a heartfelt campaign to send Lenny, an 11 year old boy who has leukemia (and who is being raised by his brothers) to send him birthday wishes from the blogging community. Lenny is quite the special young man and is an advid blogger and reader so I mailed him a birthday card and sent him a copy of The Golden Pathway. To my pure delight I recently received a beautiful thank you note from him, which I am sharing below.
A thank you from a child whom enjoyed my book has certainly made my day and writing career, so much more than any royalty payment.
A thank you from a child whom enjoyed my book has certainly made my day and writing career, so much more than any royalty payment.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Guest Author ~ Elysabeth Eldering "The Perfect Gift"
Today’s special guest is Elysabeth Eldering. Elysabeth and I originally met online through the MuseItUp Club and have forged a cyberspace friendship and it's with my pleasure to sheer her own with each success.
The Perfect Gift
by Elysabeth Eldering
What do you give someone who seems to have everything? Gift cards seem too impersonal; money is good but it seems to say you don't care. Why not give a book. The gift that keeps on giving.
With books, you can go on many adventures. You can leave your life for a few days and get caught up in the characters' lives. You can go to outer space and come back again, only to do it all over it again.
When I was younger, my godmother used to send us "care packages" for no reason and almost every box contained a few books for me to "read" to my brothers. Of course, my parents would have to read the books to me first so I could read them to my brothers, but I always enjoyed getting books. I still enjoy receiving books as a "just because" gift. It doesn't take too much to make me happy. A well written mystery that keeps me turning page after page to get to the whodunit or the reason for the mystery, and I'm a very happy camper.
In this day and age with technology overtaking our lives, it seems that reading has gone by the wayside, but there must be a resurgence of new readers coming about since it seems libraries are staying busy and book sales seem to be coming up some, even if they are for ebooks or ereaders, but folks are reading.
With the VBT Writers on the Move group, we have something for everyone. Children's books, nonfiction, mysteries, cowgirls, thrillers and everything in between.
We have:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the Frugal writers and other books
Dallas Woodburn, author of short stories and contributor to many magazines and anthologies
Darcia Helle, author of several self-published thrillers
Debra Eckerling, creator of WriteOn!
Diane Sagan, ghostwriter
Donna McDine, author of many articles, and creator of the Write What Inspires You newsletter and website as well as children's books
Elysabeth Eldering, author of the Junior Geography 50-state mystery trivia series and writer of short stories
Heather Paye, young author of a self-published novel as well as illustrator and graphic designer
Heidi Thomas, author of cowgirls' memoirs based on her grandmother's life
Helena Harper, author of humorous writings
Janet Ann Collins, author of middle grade mysteries and children's books
Jennifer Gladen, author of children's books
Karen Cioffi, author of children's books and many health articles
Kathy Stemke, author of children's books
Kevin McNamee, author of children's books
Lea Schizas, author of children's books along with creator of the MuseItOnline free conference
Maggie Ball, poet
Margaret (Peggy) Fieland, poet
Marietta Taylor, author of a non-fiction series dealing with unemployment
Martha Swirzinski, author of children's books
Marvin (The Old Silly) Wilson, author of several novels
Mayra Calvani, author of children's books
Nancy Famolari, author of young adult novels
Robert Medak, freelance writer and editor/reviewer
Shelby Patrick, horror author
Stephen Tremp, author of a thriller trilogy
Virginia Grenier, author of children's stories and creator of the Stories for Children Magazine
Vivian Zabel, author of mysteries, children's stories and publisher
So find a good book and give the gift that keeps on giving. There are many new authors out there with a variety of books.
Elysabeth Eldering is a traveler from birth. She has traveled with her family due to her father being in the military. She has lived in several states and overseas during her childhood. Ms. Eldering calls South Carolina home these days with a mindset of "Southern by choice, not by birth." She entered her first writing contest at the age of 41 and took second place for a children's mystery story, which has inspired her to take that story and write a series for children, the premise being that each state would be the mystery. Her series has a Jeopardy!® like style to it but for guessing the state in the form of a question. Each book concentrates on one state and there are supplemental study guides available, which take the series cross curriculum. For more information on the series, please visit JGDS website. Elysabeth may be reached at with any questions or to place an order.
Visit, Martha Swirzinski the next featured author on the VBT Writers on the Move November Virtual Book Tour hostedby Shelby Patrick
Thank you for your time and interest.
The Perfect Gift
by Elysabeth Eldering
What do you give someone who seems to have everything? Gift cards seem too impersonal; money is good but it seems to say you don't care. Why not give a book. The gift that keeps on giving.
With books, you can go on many adventures. You can leave your life for a few days and get caught up in the characters' lives. You can go to outer space and come back again, only to do it all over it again.
When I was younger, my godmother used to send us "care packages" for no reason and almost every box contained a few books for me to "read" to my brothers. Of course, my parents would have to read the books to me first so I could read them to my brothers, but I always enjoyed getting books. I still enjoy receiving books as a "just because" gift. It doesn't take too much to make me happy. A well written mystery that keeps me turning page after page to get to the whodunit or the reason for the mystery, and I'm a very happy camper.
In this day and age with technology overtaking our lives, it seems that reading has gone by the wayside, but there must be a resurgence of new readers coming about since it seems libraries are staying busy and book sales seem to be coming up some, even if they are for ebooks or ereaders, but folks are reading.
With the VBT Writers on the Move group, we have something for everyone. Children's books, nonfiction, mysteries, cowgirls, thrillers and everything in between.
We have:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the Frugal writers and other books
Dallas Woodburn, author of short stories and contributor to many magazines and anthologies
Darcia Helle, author of several self-published thrillers
Debra Eckerling, creator of WriteOn!
Diane Sagan, ghostwriter
Donna McDine, author of many articles, and creator of the Write What Inspires You newsletter and website as well as children's books
Elysabeth Eldering, author of the Junior Geography 50-state mystery trivia series and writer of short stories
Heather Paye, young author of a self-published novel as well as illustrator and graphic designer
Heidi Thomas, author of cowgirls' memoirs based on her grandmother's life
Helena Harper, author of humorous writings
Janet Ann Collins, author of middle grade mysteries and children's books
Jennifer Gladen, author of children's books
Karen Cioffi, author of children's books and many health articles
Kathy Stemke, author of children's books
Kevin McNamee, author of children's books
Lea Schizas, author of children's books along with creator of the MuseItOnline free conference
Maggie Ball, poet
Margaret (Peggy) Fieland, poet
Marietta Taylor, author of a non-fiction series dealing with unemployment
Martha Swirzinski, author of children's books
Marvin (The Old Silly) Wilson, author of several novels
Mayra Calvani, author of children's books
Nancy Famolari, author of young adult novels
Robert Medak, freelance writer and editor/reviewer
Shelby Patrick, horror author
Stephen Tremp, author of a thriller trilogy
Virginia Grenier, author of children's stories and creator of the Stories for Children Magazine
Vivian Zabel, author of mysteries, children's stories and publisher
So find a good book and give the gift that keeps on giving. There are many new authors out there with a variety of books.
Elysabeth Eldering is a traveler from birth. She has traveled with her family due to her father being in the military. She has lived in several states and overseas during her childhood. Ms. Eldering calls South Carolina home these days with a mindset of "Southern by choice, not by birth." She entered her first writing contest at the age of 41 and took second place for a children's mystery story, which has inspired her to take that story and write a series for children, the premise being that each state would be the mystery. Her series has a Jeopardy!® like style to it but for guessing the state in the form of a question. Each book concentrates on one state and there are supplemental study guides available, which take the series cross curriculum. For more information on the series, please visit JGDS website. Elysabeth may be reached at with any questions or to place an order.
Visit, Martha Swirzinski the next featured author on the VBT Writers on the Move November Virtual Book Tour hostedby Shelby Patrick
Thank you for your time and interest.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Personalized Autographed Book - The Golden Pathway (The Underground Railroad storybook)
Just in time for the 2010 Holiday Season.
Personalized Autographed Book:
The Golden Pathway
by Donna M. McDine
FREE shipping via US Postal Service for the remainder of 2010.
Visit: and order yours today for the young muse in your life.
Be transported through time to the Underground Railroad, where high-pitched screams echo each night. David’s cruel Pa always chooses the same victim. Despite the circumstances during slavery, David uncovers the courage to defy his Pa.
Raised in a hostile environment where abuse occurs daily, David attempts to break the mold and befriends the slave, Jenkins, owned by his Pa. Fighting against extraordinary times and beliefs, David attempts to lead Jenkins to freedom with no regard for his own safety and possible consequences dealt out by his Pa.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Best wishes for a blessed holiday season!
Personalized Autographed Book:
The Golden Pathway
by Donna M. McDine
FREE shipping via US Postal Service for the remainder of 2010.
Visit: and order yours today for the young muse in your life.

Raised in a hostile environment where abuse occurs daily, David attempts to break the mold and befriends the slave, Jenkins, owned by his Pa. Fighting against extraordinary times and beliefs, David attempts to lead Jenkins to freedom with no regard for his own safety and possible consequences dealt out by his Pa.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Best wishes for a blessed holiday season!
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