Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

As any year 2009 came with many blessings and challenges, all to be learned from.

While going through difficult challenges the blessings tend to be overshadowed.

I hope for you all you have overcome or are working through your challenges and blessings abound as we enter 2010.

Take the time today and reflect on 2009 and remember the positives and let go of the negatives. Tell your loved ones you love them even though you believe they already know this. Nothing is more uplifting for an individual to be acknowledged with the three simple words, I Love You!

To each and everyone of my family members, friends, and new found friends from the writing community I love and cherish each and every one of you and look forward to a prosperous 2010.

God bless.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

A Christmas Prayer

by Robert Louis Stevenson

Loving Father,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift
and good desires with every greeting.
Deliver us from evil by the blessing
which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning
make us happy to be thy children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven,
for Jesus' sake.


Friday, December 11, 2009

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

The history of the Underground Railroad is a fascinating and heart wrenching time in American History. Beyond the scope of children’s books about the Underground Railroad I’m going to begin offering up suggestions of blogs, websites, and museums you may find interesting in your quest to learn more about this critical time.

The first on my journey is the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center at: It is my hope to some day visit this captivating museum. In the meantime, I have immersed myself in their spellbinding website. Come along with me through cyberspace and learn about the past and unfortunate present day time issues of slavery.